Meet the Bees

Our hives are located throughout Johnston County, North Carolina in the yards and fields of our farms and friends. Over time we have created colonies of happy, healthy, and productive populations that endeavor to pollinate the fields and flowers of our communities. Most importantly, we strive to work for the bees and not only for ourselves. By helping to ensure their happiness and health it has given us the chance to now share their harvest with you.

“It’s a community…help us keep it” - Bee Wags


About Bee Wags


My wife loves to plant flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. Over time, her beautiful gardens and our apple orchard have grown through annual efforts. The flowers we make into arrangements and the apples into pies as gifts for our neighbors.

However, we continued to have smaller than expected yields from each tree and after only a few pies we would run out. I then thought, “We need bees!”

So I went to meetings, met with local beekeepers and read many books over that winter in preparation for the coming spring.

That spring, I learned a lot from my bees and the apple production tripled. The honey I shared and this gift, more than anything, excited my community to seek education on how they could also protect and nourish what quickly became “our” bees.

Over time, the number of our hives and locations have expanded and the local gardeners have enjoyed bountiful harvests. The happy buzzing of the bees on flowers and sipping cool water from bird baths brings smiles to their faces and ours.

This growth enables us to now share this harvest with you. Your purchase helps continue that long tradition of working together to ensure pollination, hive survival and sharing the fruits of the bees’ important work. I hope your purchase brings you a smile too and hopefully inspires you to build and protect a hive of your own one day. Thank you so very much for helping us keep the bees’ community.

Photo of bee enjoying one of our gardens.


What does “Bee Wags” Mean?


The name “Bee Wags” is a play on both my name and also a way bees communicate to each other.

The “waggle dance” is a well documented method of communication the bees share with one another to explain where good sources of food can be found.

If the bee enjoys what she finds, she returns to the hive and does a dance while the other bees gather around to watch and learn what she has to say. They will then return to the location on their own to gather more sustenance for the hive.

Thus the effort of one lonely bee becomes many.